Ryan Canulla

Software Engineering Insights


Client-Side Software Consultant
Canulla Inc. 2016 – Present (4 yrs)

Guidewire (formally FirstBest)

Global Front-End Product Framework

  • Provide analysis and implement enhancements which improve the stability and scalability of the platform product.
  • Rewrite the legacy build/bundling infrastructure to standardize the organization while providing the affordance for teams to make specific technology choices (example: easy customization, Typescript vs Javascript, etc…).
  • Introduce targeted code-splitting, long-term caching, and tree shaking strategy which reduces an out-of-the-box application footprint by ~70%.
  • Create a build-time business intelligence layer which provides platform usage metrics. This data can be leveraged for strategic decision making with regards to the product roadmap or to measure the required cost in upgrade effort as a consumer.

Underwriting Product

  • Implement server-driven form rendering architecture on the client that surpassed the legacy flex implementation form-input capabilities by 10x.
  • Lead automation testing implementation and mentor offshore automation engineering team using protractor, CucumberJS, and GHERKIN.

SineWave Technologies

  • Implement real-time machine milling analytics using AngularJS and D3JS for a client in the IoT space.
  • Mentor team on client side best practices while driving code quality standards.